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What To Do When I Can’t Sleep?

Not being able to sleep is such an awful feeling. If you are reading this at three in the morning after several hours of tossing and turning and not being able to fall asleep, take a deep breath. Everything is going to be okay. The good news is that you are not alone...

Independence from Old Habits

Independence Day is a day filled with celebrating our freedom with barbecue, fireworks, and time in thesun. We don’t often think about our independence on the Fourth of July other than in the patriotic way.I think there are a lot of things we all could use freedom...

Men’s Mental Health Month

In recent years, there has been a growing acknowledgment of the importance of mental health. Unfortunately, men often find themselves sidelined in these discussions due to unique societal expectations and pressures. The stigma surrounding mental health is particularly...

Gender and Its Terms

When many people come to therapy they want to better understand themselves and figuring out how they feel about gender and sexuality is an important part of this. With Pride Month happening, I felt that it was a good time to talk about gender and sexuality. When...

Simplifying Graduation Gifts by Beth Orns

Over the summer we have a lot of graduation parties for middle school students, high schoolers, and college grads. A question that often comes up is what is an appropriate gift for each of these graduates. In her book Lazy Genius Kendra Adeci recommends a “decide...
Why Choose a Social Worker To Be Your Therapist?

Why Choose a Social Worker To Be Your Therapist?

You might be confused about the credentials your therapist has and wondering what all the different letters mean. Whether your therapist is a LCSW, LPC, LMFT, or licensed psychologist, they have the training required to provide mental health care. However, different...